Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


I have to post this funny story about Kyle. At the beginning of the month, we had the carpets cleaned so we moved all of the furniture out of the family room so the carpet guy could clean that entire room. Well, Kyle got up early that morning as usual. He is sitting on the carpet in the middle of the room with himself and this airplane kite that I bought him when we were on the Oregon coast. From the picture, you can tell that it's not small. When I bought the darn thing, I asked the guy if we had to be an engineer to fly the darn thing. Anyhow, I am trying to get out the door to go to work and Steve is just arriving home from work. What I didn't realize
was that the cat was in there trying to play with the tail on this kite. This was upsetting Kyle and making him cry. I told Kyle to tell the kitty cat NO. So I would hear him tell the cat no. Well, all of a sudden, the cat comes running out from wherever, grabs ahold of the tail of this kite in his mouth and takes of with the kite. Kyle is hysterical. The cat runs to the kitchen with the kite, the kite gets stuck between the highchairs and the sofa that has been moved in there because of the carpets being cleaned. I am trying my best not to laugh all the while Kyle is yelling NO to the cat and telling me that the kite is broken. Thank God. The kite is no broken. Good thing as we haven't even be able to get that thing in the air yet. Whole nother story there! Thought I would pass that along. Kids! Gotta love 'em!


Kris said...

That sounded like a perfect You Tube video, too bad you didn't catch it on tape!

Shane & Marie said...

Poor Kyle. I think the cat was enjoying aggravating him.