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Our lil' Traveling Troopers

I just thought I would let everyone know that the kids are doing great with the traveling. Everyone thought we were nuts to take TWO 10 month olds (who are now 11 months and quickly approaching 1 yr) on the road. They are great lil travelers and are just adapting to anything we throw their way. We had a long travel day on Mother's Day and they were letting us know for the last 30 minutes of the drive that they were done! We were to after parking in Wal-Mart at 6:30pm for the night. Here are some pixs of the kids traveling and of course, our fur baby. We couldn't forget him. He likes to sunbathe so I let him sit in my seat for awhile.

Beach Babes

We took the kids to the beach and Brooke really loved it. Kyle, he just wanted to eat every handful of sand he could get his hands on. Brooke would sit on the beach and let the waves come on to her lap. She would kick her legs, laugh and smile the entire time. Kyle didn't really like the water although he likes his bath and loves to splash around. Here are some photos:

The beach at one point was rather comical. Liz and I attempted to put up this sun shade which is half of a tent. We got the poles through it and it wanted to take off like a kite. I had already told the old guy next to us it was going to be entertainment to watch this. Kyle and Brooke at this point are on a towel which is on the sand. We have Hunter help us by standing on one of the ends. Liz looks over and there is Kyle with a HUGE handful of sand that he is stuffing in his mouth. Good god! It's a lot of work to take 2 11 month olds to the beach. The old guy finally gets up to help us and Liz takes Kyle to the shower to get his mouth cleaned out. The sunshade finally goes up and we are in business. We probably looked like a bunch of blondes being blondes!! Good thing Liz is a brunette. Oh well, it was a lot of work but it was fun to see them at the beach.

From the "Brooke look" to Now

I just had to post these pictures on Brooke. When we first got her, she had this scowl on her face. Some of you might remember me posting about the "Orenburg Scowl." She literally had a crease in her forhead from doing this so much. Well, I am happy to report that she is not frowning anymore and is full of smiles, especially when she is in the water. We used to tease her saying that she was going to need baby botox to get rid of those lines. I am happy to report that she is becoming a very happy baby and has a wonderfuly smile as you can see below.

My 1st Mother's Day

It's official. I have now had my very own Mother's Day. All those years wondering if it was ever going to happen. It was a very nice day. Steve and the kids got me a charm bracelet and some very nice cards. The Monahan's got me some flowers and some lotion/soap. I can't say that I put my feet up and relaxex. When you have 2 the same age running around, I don't know how that would happen!!! I did however look back on the photos of our 2nd trip to Moscow. When I look at those photos, I can really see the changes occuring in the kids and how much Brooke doesn't look like a baby anymore. Their hair is growing longer and filling in a lot's just amazing how much they are changing. Seems like forever ago that we brought them home. I did have a thought today on the women who gave these children up. I sat here and looked at both of them and thought how lucky I was to have them but how sad for the women who gave them up. I don't know what made me think of that but I did. I truly believe that these particular children were meant for me. That was the bigger plan.

The day was spent with family and friends and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way well maybe to have had MY family here and do the traditional Anthony's Homeport Mother's Day brunch. Who wants to do that with 2 11 month olds????!!!!