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Tub Time

The kids absolutely LOVE to take a bath or a shower. Well, Kyle has just now come around to the whole idea of the shower. We had to get them used to the shower since they have outgrown the baby tub. That's how we bathed them in the motorhome. We were out running errands last night and I made the fatal mistake of telling the kids it was bath night. Well, Kyle then would not keep saying, "tub." We came through the door 15 minutes later and he headed straight for the stairs telling me "tub." I told him we had to eat first. Geez, one track mind. I guess I'm glad they like to bathe. Sure is different from the first few times we tried to do it. Screams and tons of crying!

A funny story that happened while we were in the motorhome home....I had gotten a little training potty for Brooke since she is now saying, "pee pee." I had her sit on it before getting in the shower. She sat on it for about 5 minutes or so. I told her to go pee pee before we got in the shower. Well, nothing! I put her in the shower and then got undressed myself. Next thing I know, she's telling me, PEE PEE and there she is, standing in the shower with pee on the shower floor and down her leg! Lovely! What can you do? I smiled and told her she needed to do it in the potty. Yeah, I'm sure she got that one.

So of course I can't have enough tub time pictures:
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Had to edit out the ones that Steve didn't like. I liked the one from the waste up of he and Kyle. He thought they were naked photos on the internet. Can never be too sure who is out there and being GROSS! There you go honey!

My 'lil Mini Me

Poor Steve thought they broke the mold when they made me. Well, who knew that we would fly half way around the world for our daughter who would be just like ME. Guess it's good and bad news. She is strong willed, pig headed and wants to do stuff herself. Sound like anyone else we know??? Of course my parents LOVE it. When I ask Brooke to say mini-me she says, "mi mi." Steve and I go in every night to open the kids' doors and cover them up with their blankets. When we went in the other night, Brooke had 1 foot sticking out of the blanket. This is of course how I sleep. Steve just shook his head.

The other night after dinner, I sat down on the sofa to read the grocery ads. Brooke came running over to the sofa, climbed up and sat there with the ads that I had already read. It was too funny. It really looked like she was trying to read them. It was a great learning tool too. She and Kyle both were able to look at the pictures and pick out the milk. It was cute.
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The Many Faces of Kyle Bierbaum

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Can you tell that I just love this new photo site. Steve took these pictures the other night. The kids are starting to get some pretty expressive facial expression. it's pretty cute. Kyle is so good about smiling for the camera.

Huntington Beach

We love taking the motorhome to Huntington Beach. It's only an hour away. We feel like we are out for the weekend on vacation but it didn't take us forever to get there. I love the boardwalk that they have. We can take the kids for stroller rides and they can play on the beach. We park in a parking lot so that is the only downside because they don't have sewer hookups. We always have a great time when we are there.

This past time, we took the kids' little cars that they got for Christmas. Kyle was a maniac on his. He was going so fast on it that he actually tipped the car forward and took a header! He then found out that he could make a race track with the pillars in front of the handicap parking. He would race in and out of the pillars, jump up the curb and do the same thing all over again. I think he could have stayed there for 3 hours doing it.

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Here is video of Kyle on his car:

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February 21, 2008

As of this date, the kids have now been with us longer than they were in an orphanage. It's hard to believe that we have been home 11 months. The time has just flown by and the kids seem so old to me. I swear Brooke is almost 21 months going on 5 and Kyle is learning new words everyday! So much for that little guy in the orphanage who was functioning as a 3-4 month old. What happened to my little babies I came home with???!!! Guess they can't stay little forever. Before long I'll be posting pictures of their 2nd birthday!

Our 1 year post adoption report is going to be due soon. We are going to go to an adoption seminar for people who are interested in adoption and speak. We'll bring the kids with us so people can see we appear to be a normal family! LOL! I think Steve and I are on the same page when it comes to the "pay it forward" philosophy. We had some great people we met along the way who helped us so we'd like to do the same for others. So much for not wanting to be the poster child for adoption. i am also going to spearhead getting our district to put adoption language in our contract. No one else should be told that they "didn't have a baby so your leave will be unpaid!" Give me a break. Oh, don't get me started.


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Kyle has learned to sing along to the ABC's. You can make out some of the letters but the rest is just him singing. It was too funny. I was making him breakfast one morning and he started singing it. I was like....WAY TO GO KYLE!!! Brooke is still a bit behind him in the speech department but she is ahead of him in the "scale a counter" department. I am sure I have told many of you that she can climb up the front of the highchair and get herself in. She has been doing that for quite some time now. Our little gymnast! The kids are just growing up so fast. I can't believe it.

Ventura Beach

We spent one of my 3 day weekends in Ventura Beach, CA in the motorhome. I drove up after work on Friday. Whew! Am I glad I don't have to drive that traffic everyday. It was a great weekend with the sun shining and no clouds. It was a really relaxing weekend. Diva Cindy came by on Saturday with her friend and her kids to meet our kids. Noah was really great with them. She came back later on that night for happy hour and brought her husband. I have seen so many pictures of him in her scrapbooks but have never met the guy. It was a fun evening with chips, salsa, beer and enchiladas! Way to go Diva Cindy!! And by the way, with 2 scrappers there, who had a camera going? Oh that would be NO ONE! Bad scrappers. Don't tell Janet or Robi, we could lose our crowns over it. Well, as long as we don't lose the tangerinis.

We took the kids down to the beach and let them play in the sand. On Sunday, we went down to the Pier where there was better sand and a playground. They had a great time playing on it. We watched the waves roll in and threw rocks out into the water. For lunch, we went up to the pier and had a nice meal. Steve ordered sashimi and Brooke actually ate a piece of tuna. I was surprised. They weren't too much into the fish and more into the chips. I had a salmon sandwich and it was pretty good. After lunch, we headed back to the motorhome so everyone could take a nap. Gotta love a good nap!

The motorhome has become VERY interesting during sleep time. Brooke decided she was going to have a little adventure on Sunday evening. At 4am, she decided she was going to wake up, crawl out of her pack n play and jump into her brothers. I of course hear the shrieks coming through the monitor in the bedroom. I think I said something like, "you've got to be &*%$#@ me! It's 4 o'clock in the morning!" I go out there, put Brooke back in her bed, cover Kyle and Brooke back up and stand there for awhile to make sure they have gone back to bed. Needless to say, I have to walk back out there 2 more times. On my last trip out there, I swung open the door and announced, "someone is going to get their ass fanned!" Took that line from my father! Thank you very much Pop Pop! Of course, there was Brooke, back in Kyle's pack n play lying on top of him. Poor guy probably just wanted to get some sleep. At this point, I decide to sleep on the sofa. It took my til 5am to calm back down and go back to sleep. Oh the fun times of having toddlers! I think my sister said it best when she asked if it was child abuse to use duct tape at 4am.

Here are some pictures of us during our trip:
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Must admit, I was cruising around tonight on the internet and found this bubble share site. LOVE IT!!!

Happy Valentine's Day

This was a really great day. Steve surprised me at work with a boquet of flowers, cards and the kids. It was too funny, one of the students looked at me and said, "your babies are here." I had lots of fun taking them around showing them off. They really loved it when I took them out to PE and they got to see all of the kids playing in the gym. They loved the basketball and climbing on the bleachers. It just really made my day and gave me the warm fuzzies all over.

I headed out of work early so I could stop by the store to pick up some shrimp and some other goodies to really top off the night. I scamble home and Steve has reminded me that some people are going to come by and check out the Lexus that is for sale. At about 5:50pm, I start to cook dinner. The kids are not going to make it much longer. I throw the shrimp on the stove to simmer in butter and garlic and have the steaks on the BBQ. Before this I had put a baked potato in the oven. Well, the kitchen starts to smell burned. I go to open the oven door and it's locked. I look at the digital display and for whatever reason, it now states CLEAN. I have NO idea how I did it but the oven is now on clean and the potato is locked inside. By this time, the kids are going crazy, screaming and climbing up my legs, the dog is whining and barking because he knows that Steve is outside and my potato is in the oven. I swing open the garage door, look at Steve in my best calm voice and tell him I need to see him inside. I tell him the story and tell him I need his help inside. I put the kids the highchairs and start them with the milk. FINALLY, the people leave, they are going to buy the Lexus. Yeah yeah...get out so I can get this dinner going. I put the food on the table, minus the hockey puck potato and we dig in. My steak is still raw, Steve is in the process of spitting something out so I look at him and ask what? Apparently, I never noticed that the shrimp still had the shell on it all the while I was simmering them in butter and garlic. I was so upset by this point, I went to the fridge and poured a glass of wine. At least the potato was out of the oven. Steve manhandled the thing open. Thank god. He asked what was wrong and I told him there wasn't enough pills or boozed to make this evening better.

Now that some time has passed, I can laugh at this story. WOW! I was a wreck that night with that 3 ring circus going on. I just wonder how other women do it. Am I the only one who can't handle all of this stuff going on at once? The gals at work had perfect advice....chicken nuggets and hamburgers next year minus the stress and of course the potato that was locked in the oven!

Here are some pictures of the kids opening up their care package from Grammy Joyce. She is so good to them. I can't wait for them to really understand and appreciate all the great things she does for them. I have now lovingly referred to them as Grammy and Pop Pop. Kyle can actually pick my parents out of a picture. Can't wait for them to see them again. Hopefully they will remember them.
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I am trying to get better about posting stuff. This way I don't have to listen to Erin complain! Just kidding scoop! Hey! Where is YOUR blog?! Can't wait to see you too in March. The kids will have a blast playing together.