We gave them their bikes on a Friday which was after Brooke's birthday and right before Kyle's birthday. We figured it would be horrible if Brooke got her bike on her birthday and Kyle had to wait 3 days for his. Steve and Pop Pop put them together while the kids were at school for the morning. It was their last day of school for the summer so we sent them to school so they could take cupcakes to school. Of course I had nothing else going on so I decided to make mini cupcakes for the kids to take to school with little birthday flags in them. Seems more personal when you bake it yourself instead of just buying store bought! Gotta love that about a private school. They trust you to bake yourself.
We gave the kids their bikes after nap time before Steve and my dad went to the Mariners game at Angel Stadium. Kyle of course got a green bike with a green helmet. Brooke got her pink, white and black bike along with a....wait for it...yup, you guessed it, a MONKEY helmet. We were walking through Target and I still hadn't found her a helmet and there it was. I think I was as excited as she was. She wanted to hold it the entire time we were in Target and even on the car ride home. Gotta love a great find!
We got their helmets on so they could take their new bikes for a spin in the neighborhood. They are a little bit big for them but we figure they can grown into them a bit so we don't have to buy new ones in 6 months.